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2019 Postdoc Research Day

Abstract Submission Form for Presentation

Deadline: 11:59 PM, June 15, 2019

The abstract submission window has closed.
We must be able to reach you at this number on the day of the event.
If no, you will still present your work, but will not be judged nor be eligible for prizes.
Should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the study. Use Title Case. Do not use abbreviations.
List all authors by initial and last name.
  1. Underline presenting author
  2. Separate authors by comma
  3. Indicate author affiliations with a superscript number
(e.g. AC Brown1,2, JB Green2, DT Red3, and RT White2,3)
List affiliations legend: 1 Pharmacology, 2 Cardiology, 3 Pediatrics
1500 character limit. Organize the body of the abstract to include a purpose of study, methods used, summary of results, and conclusions reached.
Please list only the funder (e.g. NIH, AHA, CIHR) without additional text.
To be used within a year. If you ever received a PDA Travel Award you are not eligible for this competition.
  1. How is this conference/workshop particularly relevant to your work and how will it impact your professional development?
  2. What is the significance of your presentation to the field/conference in question?
2500 character limit.
For more information about this presentation, go to the 3M Gong Show page